Read the options below and then fill out this Google Form to list a job on rhetmap for AY 2024-2025:
(1) Early bird special. If you wish your listing to appear early on (Aug 23 2024, two weeks before the #mlajil), and then still list later on the MLA JIL, I recommend a minimum $50.00 dollar donation to one of the funds below. Please allow a few days to pass before e-mailing me about any problems. You will need to provide a URL to the university’s job advertisement (Interfolio, etc) as Rhetmap does not host ads, only links to ads.
(2) Off or prior to the #MLAJIL. If you wish to list on and not on the MLA JIL, then Rhetmap is a considerable savings for your institution compared to the cost of listing on MLA. Given that savings, I do recommend a minimum ten dollar donation below to a professional organization fund for graduate students and/or contingent faculty listed below. You will need to provide a URL to the university’s job advertisement (Interfolio, etc) as Rhetmap does not host ads, only links to ads.
(3) Same old, same old. If you list on MLA JIL, will continue mirror the listing. You don’t need to take any action unless you want your listing to appear on rhetmap earlier, in which case see option #2.
Donations/Contributions to Field Funds and related important causes
Please choose any of the below, and please donate in the name of rhetmap. If you wish, please e-mail me and let me know about your donation. If there are any funds that you think should be up here, please do let me know: ridolfo at gmail dot com.
William Hart-Davidson Scholarship Fund
Conference on College Composition and Communication
NCTE CCCC Assistance for Contingent Faculty (Donations are dollar for dollar matched by CCCC):
Rhetoric Society of America
Andrea A. Lunsford Diversity Fund (to support graduate students of color presenting at RSA)
Janice Lauer Fund for Graduate Student Support (to support travel to RSA conference)
Michael Leff Fund for Graduate Student Support at the RSA Institute
NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund
Instructions for submitting
Fill out the Google Form below to be listed on rhetmap:
Please allow a few days to pass before e-mailing me about any problems. Note: does not host the actual advertisement. You will need to provide an external URL for Interfolio/your university’s advertisement. If you choose to list on and not the #mlajil, schools should still abide by the recommendations from the MLA Committee on Academic Freedom and Professional Rights and Responsibilities on “Guidelines for Search Committees and Job Seekers on Entry-Level Faculty Recruitment and Hiring” here: